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The Regulators

Name: Falcon-HAC

Age: 23

DOB: June 13

POB: unknown

Marital Status: Married

Height: 5' 8"

Hair Color: Red & Black

Eye Color: Red

Description: A hell spawn who gets his thrills from burning things.

Personality: Kind, but aggressive when it's necessary

Hobby: Hanging with Karu, and burning stuff

Occupation: None



"Fire is not a means of's a way of freeing one's soul the the confinements of a corrupted body."

*shrugs* I didn't know em long enuf

Falcon...I really miss him. He was a rival of mine, we really could've brought our skills up fighting each other...

Goody tooshoe. He only wanted to kick the bad guys ass. For future reference, no one is innocent.

"He was a really nice big brother for the short time I knew him."

"Goodness, Gracious, Great BALLS of fire!"

"Pyro Demon"

"Good brotherish type person but has a nastey temper."

"Evil drunk. Keep him away from the wine."

"Annoying fiend."

Name: Karu Kazeuta HAC

Age: 21

DOB: unknown

POB: Essence 1

Marital Status: Married

Height: 4' 11"

Hair Color: Orange

Eye Color: Brown

Race: unknown (Multihybridexual Organism)

Description: Trustworthy, loyal, overly happy

Personality: different, trusting, fun

Hobby: Protecting



"Karu has all the right curves, and the mental disorders to match..."

"Don't kill her. Something worse will just pop up."

"Just wierd."

"Was a great sister and taught me a lot before she went shadow cat."

"Not one of the people you want to get mad...with all those damn transformations."

"Is sure to make a really cute and hazardous furby."

"Give her to the kiddies ^_^."

"Always kind, though slightly.. off-balance at times."

Name: Final Breath

Age: unknown (17 human years)

DOB: 17 century

POB: Tyrince Enclave

Marital Status: Single

Height: 5' 9"

Hair Color: Sky Blue

Eye Color: Sky Blue

Race: Vampire

Description: Vixen, cunning, unpredictable

Personality: odd

Hobby: Hunting and collecting daggers.

Occupation: None



"Life is the survival of the fittest. Trust no one, not even yourself...just your instinct."

"FB strikes me as a bitch at first glance, however seems to be very caring when ya get to know her..."

"Nice person, but I didn't know her well enough to make a good friend out of her."


"Crazy vampire."

"One of the kewlest Vamps I know, and a great friend."

"Cursed with bad luck. A real sucker for pretty dagger handles."

"I don't get it, why's everyone saying she's a bitch?...I have yet to see that."


Name: Valyn Malys

Age: 4 centuries

DOB: unknown

POB: unknown

Marital Status: Single

Height: 6' 5"

Hair Color: Red & Black

Eye Color: Emerald

Race: Human Manifest

Description: Passive, Aggressive

Personality: truthful, reliable

Hobby: unknown

Occupation: wonderer



"I'll be around..."

"Valyn hides something."

"Some men are alive simply because they’ll kick my ass if I tried to kill them."

"Some people never die. It is those people who you should befriend."

"Nice when he wants to be, and is good for when you need saving..well if your on his good side."

"He's very talented in fighting...and um...other "things". "

"Other things like..?"

"Quiet, enigmatic, protective... absolutely everything this woman likes."

"Very skilled fighter, also insightful - but frustrating at times."

"Someone told me he has two dicks."


Name: Silver Mayhem-NOX

Age: 24

DOB: January 1

POB: Snow Cabin

Marital Status: Single

Height: 6' 5

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Hazel Brown

Race: Gaugen

Description: Smart, cunning, devious

Personality: cold, reluctant

Hobby: Fighting

Occupation: None



"He who cannot adapt shall perish."

"Silver? Bitch could die for all I care. He's trouble on ice..."

"Cold blooded bastard."

"A trouble maker..but a suprisingly good kisser ^.~"

"A cool and cold villan is always needed and he's it"

"No comment."

"Too bad he got married, ne?"

"Married? That bitter block of ice wouldn't know what marriage is if it up and kicked him in the ass"

"Frosty wasn't good enough for him so he wanted to be a God. HA! Now he's a block of ice"

"Someone said that he's immortal now... damnit... I have to endure him for eternity now."

"A bastard, but fun to mess with, gotta love the bastard."

"Why did -I- have to be the idiot to make him immortal? I wonder how many -death- threats I'll be getting...."

Name: Ares Jin

Age: 22

DOB: Jan 7

POB: Unknown

Marital Status: Single

Height: 6' 1"

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Grey

Race: Human

Description: A bit skinny, built, destructive.

Personality: Calm, slightly arrogant, spontaneous or erratic, annoying at times but rarely intolerable and always reliable.

Hobby: Trying to beat Valyn

Occupation: Head of a corporation that makes tech weaponry



"I am bittered by loss, and at times care not about my fate or the fate of those around me. I am the most dangerous man of all; one without fears..."

"Amusing and reliable"

"He's so cute........when he wants to be."

"Funny little dude. I'll beat his ass to a pulp sometime in the near future."

"Hell has no mercy thus he is here."

"Threesome and battles are the answers to his problems."

"No comment."

"There are many whom I haven't met, unfortunately he's not one of them."

"He's such a cute li'l woof woof when you baby him."

"Fun for a good spar."

"Too arrogant for his own good."

"Bloody rabbit. Sex is all he thinks about now."

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